Fall Allergies: Simple Tips to Keep Them Out of Our Homes

- Clean all vents and air filters in your home prior to turning on heating units.
- Keep on a regular schedule of dusting your home and use damp cloths which help contain the dust instead of just spreading it around.
- Wash your sheets and bedding on a regular basis…weekly is recommended.
- Keep shower curtains clean. The bottom edge of fabric shower curtains is a prime spot for mold to grow.
- Vacuum as often as possible and use a HEPA-filter machine if you can.
- It’s good practice to have your carpets, rugs, and upholstery cleaned by a professional regularly. For carpets, 2-3 times per year is the recommended schedule. Fall is the perfect time to prepare your home for holiday festivities and remove built-up dirt, bacteria, and other allergens.